Our Lives.
Patients. Spouses. Parents. Doctors. Children. Friends.
Our Play.
IV: Our Lives is shaped by the 116 different voices of metastatic breast cancer patients—one voice in memory of each of the 116 who die every day of metastatic breast cancer in the United States. We’ve spoken to patients, spouses, parents, children, doctors, nurses, and friends about life with metastatic breast cancer, and their voices animate the play.
The play combines these voices with art, song, and poetry, countering stereotypes of illness, celebrating the lives of the metastatic community, and intricately connecting the communities of the “ill” and the “well.”
The play was workshopped first at the Tattnall Square Center for the Arts at Mercer University, and then in collaboration with the metastatic community, who acted in the first performances of the play at the Metavivor/MetUp Die-In and Stampede in Washington DC, and at the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts in Washington.
The play and film was made possible with grants from the Georgia Humanities Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and support from SeaGen Biotech.